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Fuelled by a surge in socioeconomic development, urbanisation and industrialisation, the need for energy in Asia is becoming ever more pressing by the day.

According to the International Renewable Energy Agency, energy consumption in Southeast Asia nearly doubled between 1995 and 2015, growing at 3.4 percent annually during this period. What’s more, this growth in demand is expected to ramp up to 4.7 percent per year until 2035, driven by the expanding requirements of the power, industrial, transportation and construction sectors.

Faced with this inevitable rise, TNB Repair And Maintenance Sdn. Bhd. (TNB REMACO) is one company that will be crucial to upholding the region’s power ambitions.

“TNB REMACO was first incorporated as a subsidiary of Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), Malaysia’s largest electricity utility, in 1995,” states Zainudin Sabai, recalling the company’s history. “Over the years, it has accumulated a proven track record of providing services to the industry, particularly in power plant repair and maintenance and the provision of holistic solutions in every aspect of power plant operation and management.”

Having spoken with TNB REMACO 16 months ago, it’s clear to see that the company’s long-standing reputation has not changed, still renowned for its extensive accomplishments and an esteemed track record, not only within Malaysia but equally across Southeast Asia, Kuwait, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

“We call ourselves a one-stop service provider,” Zainudin, the firm’s new Managing Director adds. “Any client in any energy-related industry can utilise our expertise and services.”

The ideal recipe

This catch-all status is no better reflected than by the pure breadth of TNB REMACO’s portfolio.

Its services encompass everything from assisting clients in designing and building a power plant, performing power plant operations and conducting scheduled maintenance for key equipment to running test and diagnostic activities, and overseeing the refurbishment of turbines.

“At the end of the power plant life or its power purchase agreement (PPA), TNB REMACO can also perform the decommissioning of the power plant and sell the parts,” adds Zainudin. “In a nutshell, we’re capable of performing various activities during the whole life cycle of power plants.”

Additionally, in more recent times the company has began to expand its offerings, exploring the potential of providing services to engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) related works.

To this end, combined with the firm’s existing services, TNB REMACO is actively participating in tenders across the aforementioned regions, leveraging TNB’s global acquisitions in both Turkey and India in doing so.

“TNB REMACO continues to grow from its solid yet dynamic foundations,” Zainudin continues. “Coupling this with vast experience and knowledge garnered throughout the years, we’ve developed the ideal recipe that is allowing us to soar to greater heights.”

Consolidation and progression
This recipe equally constitutes TNB REMACO’s staff, a team that is considered crucial to this evolution – something that is both recognised and rewarded by the company.

“The organisation periodically reviews its remuneration package to ensure competitive and interesting benefits are given to our employees in the aim of ensuring that our best workers have long and illustrious careers,” Zainudin states.

“We also encourage and provide effective, tailored training to all our people, helping to improve their skills, performance and confidence through individual personal growth programmes.”

In addition, the firm is seen as an employer of choice by ensuring that a work life balance remains a priority in the face of its own ambitions, and through the endorsement of sporting activities such as badminton, bowling, football, futsal and more, stressing the importance of a happy and healthy lifestyle.

These internal employee-centric efforts comprise just a small part of TNB REMACO’s responsible efforts, the company similarly partaking in a number of CSR activities that are helping to uphold many of the communities in which it operates.

“We involve ourselves in a broad multitude of initiatives,” Zainudin reveals. “This includes offering donations to poor families, welfare homes, victims of natural disasters, schools and more, and spending time with disadvantaged children such as orphans, helping them shop for clothes and more.”

While these responsible efforts will unquestionably remain a constant for TNB REMACO, a number of progressive changes are also set to sweep through the organisation during the coming months.

The company will continue to collaborate with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and independent service providers (ISPs), invest in the latest state-of-the-art equipment and provide its traditional services as an integrated service provider. However, equally, it will begin to explore expansion within the oil and gas vertical.

“My main priority as the MD is to consolidate, especially when considering the recent changes in leadership and the increasingly challenging environments that face our company nowadays,” Zainudin states. “This being said however, we are also determined to establish ourselves as the new powerhouse in terms of service offerings for the oil and gas market.

“This is an exciting new frontier for TNB REMACO, and our plan is to build capability in order to enable us to undertake any long-term service agreement. I am truly steadfast in our aspirations, and I am confident we can achieve our vision of becoming the preferred service provider for the regional energy market.”

By: Asia Outlok
Writer: Jonathan Dyble | Project Manager: Matt Cole-Wilkin

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TNB Repair And Maintenance Sdn. Bhd.

Level 23A PJX-HM Shah Tower,
No. 16A, Persiaran Barat,
46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
